It has been nearly 50 years since that dreary April 4th day in which the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. rained down in Memphis, Tennessee; a tragedy that shook the nation then and similar to the environment of that five decades ago- is one desperately in need of his dreams of economic justice, racial/gender equality, and overall peace to become as much of a reality now. Martin Luther King Jr. redefined what it meant to be a leader and to this day is seen as one of the most influential, intelligent, and down right inspiring individuals to ever brave this green earth. He was a man of purpose, class, true generosity, genuine fearlessness, and without a doubt- love.
Unfortunately, his dream is one that we the people have yet to make a permanent reality, although his grace, devotion to the cause, and loving persona alone have served as a guiding light in times of much darkness as well as his words and exemplary proactive mindset becoming the backbone to much of which has been made possible due also to his tremendous level of selflessness and sacrifice. Moreover, if one were to look closely- that very legacy can be seen, felt, and heard on the faces, within the actions of and words spoken by our favorite NBA stars.
His messages come to life in the high fives shared amongst players of all ethnic, cultural, gender, age, and sexual orientation backgrounds knowing their success has been made possible due to their collaboration and mutual respect for one another. We feel his presence in the ways unity builds its bridge as players on opposing teams look to lend a helping hand and pick each other up off the hardwood after a hard foul or play. Players more often than not choosing to show their appreciation for one another’s talents rather than speaking in a condescending manner embodies the growth and leadership qualities, in addition to making the imperative choice to lift one another up rather than the opposite speaks to much of Dr. King’s dialogue.
The determination in his eyes uttering the words of his famous, “I Have a Dream” speech can be translated into the vision turned grit of the point guard who hits the game winning shot as time runs out. It is the same passion that resides in each member of the National Basketball Association every night when they suit up to play 48 minutes of basketball. Knowing it is more than a game- these players demonstrate a dream turned reality every time they lace up their sneakers and step onto the court. They are playing for more than themselves, but also their families, friends, those from their hometown, the cities and many fans cheering for them, and those who they may not know they are inspiring-reminding those of all ages to never settle or give up on their dreams. Watching a game of basketball, one can see the unity of course in the shared exterior aspect of each member of the same team wearing a duplicate jersey only to be differentiated by that particular player’s last name, but also simply watching the flow of the game. Basketball is a true team sport- without proper ball movement, efficient communication, and encouragement amongst players of a team- failure is inevitable- regardless of the level of talent. Moreover, it is doubly important that we as a divided nation come together in order to progressively strive to live in a world where racism does not exist and the people who live within in it care more about the power of love, rather than a love of power and the need to prove a point.
“To be judged by the content of your character” quite literally came into being as NBA stars Carmelo Anthony, Dwayne Wade, Chris Paul, and LeBron James stood together on stage in all black at last year’s Espy Awards – asking their fellow men and women of the sports world to do more- to utilize their platform in ways that stretch far beyond their professional sport and league in which they are apart of simply because the issues again plaguing this country are exactly that and require attention from us all in order to get things moving in the right direction. We live in a country in which our founding fathers stated “all men are created equal” and yet the leader of the free world continues to look for ways to divide us, while still confidently standing behind and quoting the words of MLK himself- as if to say they are on the same page- wanting the same things. In order to move forward, we must recognize this backwards way of thinking and more importantly reverse the actions that continue to set us back. We must look beyond what we see on the outside as no color of skin, country of origin, or class in society determines one’s worth or value as a human being but rather their character and what makes them who they are from the inside out.
The NBA has continued to set the example and may in part be why it is now the fastest growing league, as far as ratings and popularity, in the world. The players and their organizations alike make their presence known on and off the court- getting to know their communities, volunteering their time to educate and enrich the lives of those in need, and going beyond their “professional basketball player” status- reminding the world that they are equals. It is not about the amount of money they make, their social media following, their materialistic possessions, or even the sponsors and companies they may be the face of, but in fact how these many individuals humanize themselves and stay true to the big picture. Shedding light on major issues such as sexual assault, racial and gender inequality, pay gaps, police brutality, etc.; not shying away from the difficult topics knowing their “status” can best be utilized in both the best and worst of times in order to create peace and push for a more positive agenda for the country as a whole… music to the late ears of MLK.
People tune in for far more than the excitement of a SportsCenter top 10 dunk or the razzle dazzle of a smooth crossover, but also because these players in and of themselves are advocates. They are relatable, as many have experienced racial injustices, prejudice, some of which come from impoverished or low-income households and have continuously dealt with unfair stereotypes. They embody everything Dr. King was about, whether it is some or all of the various items previously mentioned, and continue to make sure his legacy lives on- not only because they believe in his words, but because they too know what its like to walk in his shoes and do not wish for his dream to stop there.
The ideologies of hate we see being demonstrated today are no different than that of the bullet that took the life of the beloved civil rights leader being discussed. He who was the very cure to a cancer that has since gone without proper treatment has now reared its ugly head and become the driving force shifting the country into reverse once again. We must stand together and demand our voices be heard- never give up the fight and have faith in a brighter tomorrow. NBA Voices is a great way to get involved as it is meant to bring people together and address difficult, yet greatly important ongoing issues such as social injustice through the game of basketball. It is an initiative looking to both bridge the gap of divided communities as well as encourage the public to speak out/share their stories- uplifting those of all ages, providing mentors to those in need, and stressing the importance of equality, inclusion, and diversity.
Martin Luther King Jr. himself once said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” Furthermore, although you may not be a NBA star or world renowned civil rights leader, it does not take away from the fact that you are able to have the same level of impact on what you believe to be true and right in this world. We all started in the same place and thus those who are well known now made a choice about their goals, worked hard, and made their dreams a reality. You are no different. Find your purpose, create your platform, and go for your dream(s) fearlessly. Believe your voice will be heard if you articulate your message in a way that cannot be dismissed and know at the end of the day, love always trumps hate.
Written by Chanel Ray